Fantasy Sports / DFS Platform
Web Responsive
Product Designer
Creating an online platform where a customer can read about up-to-date sports articles and videos that pertain to their fantasy players and also have the ability to interact with all their fantasy leagues by syncing theirs leagues through a API and also have the ability to have a DFS play prop and sportsbook option all on one platform. There’s nothing like that currently in the market and that’s what our design and marketing hope to achieve this year.
At the beginning of this project, our objective was to vision why a customer would want to visit the site. To understand what the main purpose of the visit to Heavy when a new system that would sync your fantasy league and have the ability to place a bet. About 50% of users wanted to compare odds / place a bet. 35% wanted a new way to interact with their fantasy team – start and sit functionality was a big incentive. 10% wanted to read recent news article pertaining to a specific player or team. 5% Look at offers and promos.
Ran very simple prototype study with a light and dark theme. This still a continuing testing environment but 80% of the user prefered and dark theme than the light theme. Alot of it just had to do with the UI. There really wasnt anything out there currently with this UI aesthetics that incorporated geometric background and how the gradients worked with each component. The color choice for the brand was very pleasing and wasnt over the edge.

Dark and Light Theme
Social Media Post

So coming out of this research study. We ran many User Testing studies to see what sportsbook brand really drew a customers attention. After seting up many A/B testing studies using modern UI that included various versions of popular hex color combination, we concluded that using a dark theme that enhanced with neon colors while using various different gradients and outer glows was the best decision moving forward with the brand.

Brand Colors